
Pozharovzryvobezopasnost/Fire and Explosion Safety

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The potential use of new impulse fire-fighting machinery for qualitatively new large-scale disinfection


Introduction. This paper is an overview of the use of standard equipment capable of spraying disinfectants and powders and fi ghting viral infections during a pandemic.

Aims and objectives. The objective of the paper is to substantiate the need to develop a new method of combined disinfection. The following problems are to be tackled to meet this challenge: 1) the study of shock waves and their effi ciency if applied to microorganisms; 2) the substantiation of the effi cient use of the available fi re-fi ghting machinery, standard charges and sample equipment for shock-wave disinfection; 3) the search for the optimal and effective cycle of large-scale disinfection; 4) the compatibility substantiation of the shock-wave mode of large-scale spraying of chemical disinfectants; 5) the development and adjustment of impulse fi re-fi ghting equipment to ensure fl exible disinfection control in a wide range of areas.

Materials and methods. The weaknesses of disinfection by spraying disinfectants and the impossibility of their elimination by upgrading traditional hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, without changing their operating principles, have been demonstrated.

Results and discussion. A new disinfection method, based on the accumulated experience of operation of impulse fi re equipment, is proposed. A disinfection methodology that contemplates the shock-wave destruction of microorganisms has a strong potential. The optimal cycle of spraying disinfectant chemical solutions (DCS) and powders has been substantiated; it assures comprehensive disinfection based on various mechanisms of action: 1) impact compression and prompt heating; 2) pressure relief that destroys microorganisms; 3) convection heating using a squall front that has high-temperature steam whirls; 4) chemical disinfection using micro-drops and DCS vapors sprayed on various surfaces that have irregularities, slots, cracks, irregular shape items.

Conclusions. The proposed advanced equipment has no close substitutes in the world. It is protected by the Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese patents. Its production is expedient if launched at defense plants in operation if suffi cient funding is available.

About the Authors

V. D. Zakhmatov
Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia
Russian Federation

Vladimir D. ZAKHMATOV, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of Scientific and Organizational Department

ID RISC: 852616; Scopus Author ID: 6603327210

Moskovskiy Avenue, 149, Saint Petersburg, 196105

M. V. Chernyshov
Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov
Russian Federation

Mikhail V. CHERNYSHOV, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of Plasma-Gas-Dynamics  and  Heat  Engineering  Department

ID RISC: 133164;  Scopus Author  ID:  13405460000;  ResearcherID: F-1991-2010 

1-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 1, Saint Petersburg, 190005

N. V. Shcherbak
Russian Federation

Nikolay V. SHCHERBAK, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Designer 

Promyshlennaya St., 19, office 301, Saint Petersburg, 198095


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For citations:

Zakhmatov V.D., Chernyshov M.V., Shcherbak N.V. The potential use of new impulse fire-fighting machinery for qualitatively new large-scale disinfection. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost/Fire and Explosion Safety. 2020;29(4):59-69. (In Russ.)

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